Health & Wellbeing

Fasting and Divine Purification

Fasting and Divine Purification 800 600 A Divine Universe

The Body’s Ability to Heal “Everyone has a physician inside him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of…

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Stress – What it’s Doing and How to Manage it!

Stress – What it’s Doing and How to Manage it! 800 600 A Divine Universe

The average 20-year-old has already developed approximately 10 million ‘premature cognitive commitments’ (PCC’s).

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Meditation is Medicine for Your Life

Meditation is Medicine for Your Life 800 600 A Divine Universe

Meditation is simply the act of quietening the mind by focusing on one thing. 

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I Think Recovery From Anything Is Completely Badass

I Think Recovery From Anything Is Completely Badass 800 600 A Divine Universe

Recovering from anything is completely badass in my books.

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Why Eat, Think & Live Organically

Why Eat, Think & Live Organically 800 600 A Divine Universe

A lot of people ask me about the expense of living as organically as I do and I have a few response to this:

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Do You Know Your Body is Constantly Telling You Things About Your Life and Health?

Do You Know Your Body is Constantly Telling You Things About Your Life and Health? 800 600 A Divine Universe

Every day you try to deal with stresses, challenges, toxins, pains or unwanted illness that can sometimes feel like a constant in your life, yes? So, what if I told…

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Gratitude Changes Everything

Gratitude Changes Everything 150 150 A Divine Universe

Gratitude is the quality of being thankful, it is the readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

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Control & Deal with Your Mind

Control & Deal with Your Mind 150 150 A Divine Universe

Dealing with an anxious, busy, reactive or an angry mind can be difficult. This simple yet very effective technique will free you from the crazy mind in seconds.

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Seven Steps for Overcoming Ego’s Hold on You

Seven Steps for Overcoming Ego’s Hold on You 800 600 A Divine Universe

Here are seven suggestions to help you transcend ingrained ideas of self-importance.

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Living In The Now

Living In The Now 800 600 A Divine Universe

We stress in our classes the vital need to ‘live in the now’ – not wasting energy looking back on the past with regret,

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