Universal Mind Meditation

Universal Mind Meditation

Universal Mind Meditation 800 600 A Divine Universe

“You are pure in Spirit, you always have been, and always will be.”

Inside of you is a place of quietness, confidence and security.
A place where all things are known and understood.
This is the Universal Mind, of which you are a part, and which responds to you as you ask.
For all of life exists within you.
Here in your heart and mind, there is utter calm, where the truth is apparent, and the clamor of the outside world does not exist.
You listen to the voice of the Universe as it speaks within you.
It is the voice of truth and it guides you unerringly along your path.
The Universal Mind is perfect and you may rely upon it for complete guidance in all of your affairs.
You trust this power. You have complete faith and confidence in this power. You place your future in divine hands.
Your every decision is answered from a perfect and inexhaustible source of knowledge.
Through the great law of attraction, everything in life that you need for you work and fulfillment comes to you.
And even now, the answers are speeding there way to you.
All the limitless power of creation is yours to draw upon, for it is in you, one with you and you are a part of it.
Within you dwells a living, breathing Universe. And you dwell within it.
Everything that ever was and ever will be, exists within you.
All the planets and stars, all people and answers reside within you.
The hand of divine intelligence that created all things is within you and around you and you may call upon it for your every need.
This great subconscious mind, this mind of God knows no difficulty, limitation or lack. It simply creates in your experience, that which you believe and accept.
You hold your thoughts steadfastly on everything that is good. (For the great reality is good, which is always attempting to manifest itself.)
You see about you the thoughts of all mankind, for these thoughts have become things. Whatever is good among these thought-things you accept, whatever is not, you ignore.
For your concern is only with truth and understanding, which is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding.
Your mind moves easily to the further most reaches of space in all directions and just as easily moves back to you once again.
You are the center of the universe, birth-less, deathless, ageless and eternal.
Your purpose in life is to reach ever upward and outward, to expand in knowledge and love and abundance and unity.
You place your future in divine hands, you turn over each problem to that great all knowing mind to which all things are possible.
You have complete confidence that every circumstance that comes your way is part of a perfect plan to convert the image of your faith into reality.
Success, harmony, peace and confidence are yours.
Even now, the universe seeks to answer your every need.
Thoughts cross your consciousness in a never ending stream, you do not create these thoughts, they come from the infinite reaches of the Universal Mind and are directed to your consciousness, for you have attracted them and you may choose any thoughts you desire. You have but to decide and the ideas and images you have chosen to attract are directed to you. As you accept them, so will they manifest in your world. You alone decide what you will think and feel, thus you decide your entire life.
Here in this magic center of your being, your word is law. You trust that the manner in which each of your thoughts manifest is in perfect order and perfect time.
The door is always open to admit the positive, the good, the beautiful and the inspiring.
The Universe has infinite supply. Perfect health, abundance and success are yours.
Everything that exists is the result of conception and desire. All form and all circumstance are the creation of an infinite intelligence that loves to answer you every need.
The Universal Mind manifests through you.
Your world is ordered according to your own thoughts and convictions.
(You concentrate on harmony and cooperation.) (You see nothing but harmony all around you.)
In your friends, your loved ones, your coworkers you see cooperation and assistance and you recognize that each person must follow a different path towards his vision, you understand the searchings and copings of everyone you know and see. (You have sympathy and tolerance for all things and all people.) ( You know that as you help others, you help yourself.)
You have compassion and understanding, for each being strives for understanding of itself.
Each moment of every day brings your life closer to realization that the objects of your work are being accomplished at this very moment.
The things of your life are the children of your thoughts and your thoughts today are even now bearing the children of your tomorrow.
(All that is good you allow.) (All that is negative, you refuse to accept.)
You bond deeply with the infinite power of love surging through you.
The limits of the past are gone. Each day is a new birth of your soul.
(You are greater then your body.) (You are greater then your thoughts.)
You are larger then all experience.
Your soul transcends the past, the present and the future.
You sense a deep well of gratitude and compassion rising up within you.
(You sense a fusion of your being with the great mind of God.)
(You sense the presence of spirit in all of your affairs.)
You sense wholeness and unity with all things.
You feel the immutable and irrevocable bond between yourself and the all powerful loving force of creation.
You are one with all truth, all beauty, all justice and all love.
The truth about life is the infinite love of God for all people and all things.
You love all people because they dwell in God, and God dwells in them.
As you surrender your heart to humanity, humanity serves you with love.
(You are one with all power, all creativity) (as you surrender your heart to God, the love of God becomes compete in you.)
You are one with all power, creativity and knowledge.
You are the host to the in-dwelling God.
Your every move is in accord with divine law.
Fear and confusion are illusions and cannot live within truth, which is love, and which is complete in you now.
The great reality is forever present at the center of your being.
From it you draw perfect intelligence, perfect peace, perfect happiness, perfect love.
You refuse to accept anything but truth, which is always the good and the positive.
(You move in accord with divine intelligence.) (You express divine intelligence in laughter, in joy, in pleasure, in service.)
Only the good, the great, the significant and the constructive do you add unto yourself. Nothing else is allowed into the creative depths of your being.
The surging desire of each being is to know the fulfillment of love. (The way to this fulfillment is through contact with the center…)
Universal love is complete in you.
You are united with God and move with God.
You are serene and sure, joyful and achieving.
Confident of ultimate splendor.
The infinite creative power of divine intelligence lies within you.
You are open and receptive to the purposes of God.
All the right ideas are delivered to you and you accept them confident that God will provide you with the means and the way of bringing them into your world.
You know that all things spring from God, which is infinitely abundant.
Lack and limitation are merely errors of thinking and you easily banish them from your consciousness.
(There can be no lack unless it is accepted.)
(You need only let the Universal Mind express itself through you.)
Your world is filled with creativity, achievement and prosperity for those are the thoughts that you concentrate on.
Your goals are delivered to you, for they are the goals of God, who never fails.
Whatever your task, you perform it with love, for you know that when you serve another, you serve the purposes of a greater design.
The law of mutual exchange is all around you.
(You give as you wish to receive.) (You see the majesty, the grandeur, the immortal power that dwells within yourself and those around you.)
Abundance and prosperity are mental conditions that you create on the plane of mind with complete trust and confidence that they will manifest in your life.
You refuse to accept undesirable circumstances having final reality.
For a mighty truth is at the center of your consciousness, where peace always reigns. (all things are possible)
You know that life is a journey that must be traveled step by step.
You are patient and trusting for you have unshakeable faith in your destination which always leads you closer to your true home of infinite love and abundance.
Success always comes when you submit your will to divine will and fulfill the indwelling self.
Your body is a manifestation of your knowledge of yourself and your true self is spirit.
Your entire being is spiritual and your body is quickened into new life with the perception of this great truth.
You surrender yourself to the wisdom and guidance of the Universal Mind.
You become one with the purpose of God and this mighty purpose animates your body projecting love into every aspect of your life.
You see only peace, joy and abundance.
You open your heart to love and love flows through every atom of your body, energizing and transforming yourself into perfect condition.
At the center of your being you perceive limitless, deathless, ageless spirit.
Spirit becomes manifest in all of your affairs.
Give all of your worries and concerns to the great Universal Mind of God which has which has the perfect solution and provides absolute clarity.
You take your thoughts from the limitless reaches of the Universal Mind, never from the world around you.
You think originally for each thing of your life proceeds from out of your thoughts which move always in accord with God.
You turn away from the world about you to the world of consciousness that lies within.
You concentrate your being, your awareness.
You are conscious of the one being from which all beings spring.
You know that this immortal self within you is God.
You are, you always were, and you always will be: all people, all things, all space, time and life are all here in the depths of your soul.
Smaller then small, greater then great, meet and unite within you.
That which you thought you were, you never really were at all. For it was a changing thing mirroring the seasons and the tides. A thing to be born and grow and die.
You are spirit pure and eternal.
You are patient, for you are all time.
You are wise, for you contain the knowledge of all things.
You are rich for all the abundance you may create from your very self is vast and limitless.
You are successful for you need only think to achieve.
You love and are beloved for all things are yourself and you are all things.
You fuse, you unite, you become one with the Universal Mind.
You perceive the magnificent dweller and the center of your being and know that divine in-dwelling God to be your very self.