The Rose Garden

The Rose Garden

The Rose Garden 800 600 A Divine Universe

Imagine yourself in a garden. A beautiful, well cared for garden, with shady trees overlooking winding pathways

Imagine yourself in a garden. A beautiful, well cared for garden, with shady trees overlooking winding pathways—big stretches of rich green lawn—a small pond and fountain to add the delightful water sounds to this lovely place———and a beautiful rose arbour. 

As you approach the roses you smell their wonderful perfume———-the colours of the flowers are many and varied—–you step forward and gently cup a perfect bloom between your hands———you feel the velvety softness of the petals———-you look deep into the heart of the flower, and there in the centre, lies a perfect droplet of water, crystal clear. 

Concentrate on this droplet, this perfect teardrop———-feel yourself being drawn towards it———look closely——this tiny crystal-like droplet has a message for you-I leave you for a while to discover what this message is——–(5 minutes)

Contemplate and appreciate the perfection of the rose, its beauty is appreciated by all. 

Now turn your attention to the soil—-rich and dark, damp and cool. Take up a handful, let it run through your fingers——feel the texture of this element, without which we could not experience this lovely garden. 

Turn your attention now to one single leaf——-really study the shape of it—the texture—look closely at the tiny veins in perfect symmetry-it is a miniature work of art. 

Now find a shady spot, sit down, and listen – truly listen, to the sounds of nature. They are always around you, but so few stop and listen. I leave you now to enjoy this peaceful time. (10 minutes)

It is time to return now, and on the count of 5 open your eyes: 

1. Bring back with you the appreciation of all living things. 

2. Bring back with you the appreciation of perfection in all God’s Creations. 

3. Bring back with you the appreciation of the peace you felt, and leave it always in your                  


4. Bring back with you the appreciation of the perfect harmony of nature’s sounds. 

5. Open your eyes, and feel completely refreshed and renewed. 

Published by Jackie & Jim