A Basic Grounding and Chakra Clearing Meditation

A Basic Grounding and Chakra Clearing Meditation

A Basic Grounding and Chakra Clearing Meditation 800 600 A Divine Universe

Please note, in this mediation I refer to “seeing” things happening.  Not everyone will actually see a thing, it is enough for you to simply intend that it is happening

Sit in a comfortable position, you may lie down if this is more comfortable for you, but if you feel that you may fall asleep this may not be the best option.

Take some deep relaxing breaths; let the worries of your day float away.  This is a time for you to relax and enjoy.

Take a deep breath in through your nose for the count of four

Hold your breath for the count of four

Exhale for the count of four.

Repeat this until you feel completely relaxed.  Imagine a great light coming down from the highest planes above and entering your body through the top of your head.  As it comes down and moves down through your body, imagine yourself relaxing even further.

Let the light go all the way through you, through the floor beneath you, through the earth and all the way to the core.  The core of the Earth can be any colour you wish.  When the light gets to the core of the Earth, imagine it wrapping itself around, then coming all the way back up in the same colour as the Earth core was.

It will then enter your body at your Root Chakra which is located at the base of your spine and is red.  Once the light hits the Chakra, the Chakra expands and starts spinning in a clockwise direction.  Let the Chakra spin until any dullness in it has disappeared.  Once the Chakra is completely clear and vibrant, let the light move up to the next Chakra and the root Chakra should contract back down.

The light should now enter the Sacral Chakra which is located approx 2 inches below your belly button and is Orange.  When the light enters the Chakra it should expand and start spinning in a clockwise direction.  Let this Chakra spin until any dullness has disappeared and the Chakra is clear and vibrant.  The light should now move upwards and the Chakra contract down.

Next is the Solar Plexus Chakra which is located in the centre of your body a couple of inches above your waist and is Yellow.  Again allow the Chakra to expand and start spinning when the light enters it, removing any dullness as it does so.  Once clear and vibrant, allow the Chakra to contract and the light to move up to the Heart Chakra.

The Heart Chakra is located in the Heart Area and is Green.  Allow it to expand and spin in a clockwise direction, clearing any dullness or damage.  Once clear and vibrant, again allow the light to move upwards and the Chakra to contract.

The light will now enter your Throat Chakra which is located at the base of your throat and is Blue.  Intend that the Chakra spin in a clockwise direction and any dullness disappears.  Once you feel that this is clear and vibrant, allow the light to move up to the Third eye Chakra.

This Chakra is located in between your eyebrows, up about 1/8 Inch and is Purple.  As before, imagine the Chakra spinning in a clockwise direction and clearing itself.  Once clear and vibrant, allow the light to continue up to the top of your head.

Your crown Chakra which is located at the very top of your head will then open out into a lotus flower and the light will continue on back up into the higher planes.  Have a look at the Lotus flower and see if there are any brown petals on there, if there are, simply remove them.

You can also imagine the light coming back down all around the outside of your body and covering you as a bubble.  I like to then imagine another shield of light coming over the top in green (healing) and a Gold shield of protection over the top of that (Christ Consciousness).

You can sit here for a few moments and enjoy the stillness, or else bring your awareness back to the room.