Do You Know Your Body is Constantly Telling You Things About Your Life and Health?

Do You Know Your Body is Constantly Telling You Things About Your Life and Health?

Do You Know Your Body is Constantly Telling You Things About Your Life and Health? 800 600 A Divine Universe

Every day you try to deal with stresses, challenges, toxins, pains or unwanted illness that can sometimes feel like a constant in your life, yes? So, what if I told you that all these things that you face are actually your body and life telling you directly what is off balance and requires healing!?

A lot of people don’t realise that they have the clear signs, ability and power to deal with their own life or health symptoms, after all, we are all individuals with unique thinking and microbiology make up that we are connected to, every moment of our lives. This means you can quite literally be your own barometer for your life, spirit and health.

Our gut is always talking with our mind (mind gut connection), the mind talks to the body and the heart and mind talk directly to the universe. Those energies in reaction to our life and thinking talk with the universe constantly. The universe then creates and matches the vibrational energy in the form of life situations and our health. Modern science has this proof of how it works within the studies of Metaphysics and Quantum Physics. There is no other species on Earth that possess the magical healing intelligence and abilities that humans do.

Some common things that your body could be trying to secretly tell you are:

  • Allergies or Intolerances that can seemingly come from nowhere.
  • Physical pains or Injuries
  • Exhaustion or Fatigued
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Skin Issues
  • Weight problems
  • A Bad Attitude or Quick Temper and so on…

These ‘cries for help’ in the body are your personal signs telling you that something is amiss or unbalance in your Mind and Life. Yes, you read right, everything that your body and life are telling you is a result of what you are thinking and feeling. These feelings are in the deep subconscious of which most people are unaware.

For example, Resentment can build for many years before physical symptoms appear and because there is sometimes a great gap between the cause and effect, the real cause is not recognised.

Resentment is linked with different cancers like blood and bone cancer (leukemia), breast cancer and a few others. Liver issue are related to anger. Heart issues are the inability to give and or receive love in one’s life. Different parts of our body represent certain things about our life as well. Like the knees are about standing up for yourself and the hips represent moving forward or not in life. Allergies are telling you, you are allergic or irritated by yourself in some way, each type of allergy has different representations. Anxiety and depression are about your future and past worries and so on…

If you need help working out what it is your body is telling you and want to find life and health freedom in your world, I offer phone consults, coaching sessions and workshops to help you connect with your being and achieve the health freedom in life you have been longing for.