Why Eat, Think & Live Organically

Why Eat, Think & Live Organically

Why Eat, Think & Live Organically 800 600 A Divine Universe

A lot of people ask me about the expense of living as organically as I do and I have a few response to this:

“It’s a lifestyle, one that brings you back to your natural state of being, harmony, love and integrity”.

“I’d much rather, eat, think and live as organically as I can now to save myself from the suffering that could be part of my future, I mean cancer and illness are expensive”

“Everything positive that goes into your body and life reacts with a positive outcome as the outlet to our lives and health, it the universal law”

“A good mindset and habits now, creates a good life later”, all depends on who I am talking too hehe.

This has always been a fascination of mine. To understand why humans have brought themselves so far, but yet, so far away from the ‘way’ of living that is natural for our lives and bodies. I mean, we have invented everything ‘man made’ and labelled it as ‘safe’ to find out 10 years later it has drastic effects on our bodies, lives and environment. From poison sprayed food, plastic’s and free radical toxins, heavy metals, GMO produce (I can’t even call it food) to the ‘man made’ pharmaceuticals for the ‘Illness Industry’ and yes, I believe it’s an illness industry as they only keep you sick to make money off their drugs and treatments. Why have we moved so far away from the natural solutions that worked so affectively before the big corporations greed for money and control became more important than the health of our lives and world. Are we that brain washed or lazy?

Organic living is only about going back to the natural state of being.
We cannot expect, just because we invented something (GMO) that looks like corn, tastes like corn, smells like corn but isn’t corn, for our bodies to be able to digest it without creating digestive and neurological issues. The body does not know what to do with it as it is not recognised as natural corn anymore, in which it knows how to digest. The media and the government tell us much negativity, manipulation and false truths we don’t even trust our own inner wisdom or instincts anymore, creating poor mental health and physical ailments in our community. Organic living is thinking for yourself, believing in yourself and caring deeply about yourself which organically flows into the other areas of your life.

Having a close family member living with several cancers on their journey, and being a passionate independent researcher and Well Being Life Style Coach, I know that the costs of living organically NOW will stop you spending your retirement fund on illness and disease later. In 5 years private health insurance have covered $500,00.00 of this person’s treatments and they pay $204.00 per week ($53,040.00 over 5 years) to the company and extra costs and a GAP is still left over to be paid by this person. The public system uses tax payer’s money to cover this crazy amount of money to the ‘illness industry’, that’s a lots! This is a huge incentive for me to not become part of that industry and instead be part of the ‘Wellness Industry’ for life.

Organic eating doesn’t cost that much more and is easily subsidised by growing your own fresh fruit and veg at home. There are so many places now you can get organic food for really reasonable prices as organics becomes more popular. Thinking organic does not cost a thing except devoting a bit of your conscious awareness and mind to being more positive and doing an inventory on the negative ego and judgements. Living organically is simply applying organic food and being sustainable where you can in looking after our environment and minds. Less packaging and plastic in our lives or maybe you love to save water.. Its all about educating yourself on what carbon footprint or negativity you leave on this this earth and do what you can to lessen the blow of effects on our world around us.

Eating, thinking and living organically is simply a self-love discovery and the self-disciple to put it into place so that is becomes as natural as fruit growing on trees. Its becomes instinctual and habitual as you and you body resonate with the natural way or state of being. It is already programmed into your being, we long to feel good and be good. When you truly care about who you are and how you are being then it is a natural progression to apply these habits of organic living as much as possible to your life and for our environment around us.

Be the change you want to see in the world ~ Gandhi

In a world that feeds you hate, competition, crisis, toxins, harm and negativity; be love, light, compassion, caring, giving, be organic. Feed yourself with smart positive thinking to line your energy up with the universe for a healthy body and life. Nourish yourself with natural and organic wholefood to sustain a healthy body and environment. Be conscious of the use of resources and rubbish that you have in your life. Grow you own food to help our environment, soils and give your body the natural enzymes, vitamins and minerals for a happy internal environment (digestive system). Nourish your mind with the truth about how your daily lifestyle and environment impact your health and happiness.

I believe strongly that organic thinking is the start and the key to a healthy abundant life. When you truly love, accept and honor yourself, you want to do and be better. That includes caring about everything that comes in and goes out of your mind, body, spirit and life. It’s a very natural or as I say organic unfolding. Think Feel Be.

You don’t have to try and do everything all at once, hell noooooo. Some of my changes have taken years to get where I wanted them. Some habits come easier than others to form and that’s ok, we all have different things that we connect with more so than others. Start with that, whatever you have a bit of a passionate opinion about. There are so many places you can start, your mental health, your physical health, environmental health or maybe it’s your children’s or animal’s health. Humans love to feel that sense of self achievement and creating a healthy life for yourself and your environments around you will give you this fulfillment and more. I promise you, it will make you feel great.

You don’t have to be great to start but you have to start to be great! ~ Zig Ziglar