Drugs and Spirituality

Drugs and Spirituality

Drugs and Spirituality 800 600 A Divine Universe

Many people find their way to our classes as a direct result of experiencing drug abuse within their family unit

Either they have lost a child to drugs, or the whole family has been split apart by the actions of a sibling affected by drugs. It is a frightening situation, and one that seems to be completely beyond their control – and it IS – until dealt with in a Spiritual way. And that’s where we come in.

Our family has not had this experience, but a very close friend has, and she gave me permission to use her story to help these people. That is how our ‘drug file’ came into being – which grows larger all the time. Many people have contributed, giving valuable input so that these parents can look at every aspect of the situation, which helps them to accept, and then work on it.

It has also helped the addicts, and when they learn about BOTH sides of the affects of drugs on their physical AND Spiritual selves, it sometimes prompts them to DO something towards helping themselves. The first move must always come from them. With that desire the energies shift.

We begin the file with an excerpt from ‘The Damage Done’ by Warren Fellows:

‘For anyone that has never ever experienced heroin, I’ll do my best to describe what it feels like, not for any other reason but to explain why I became addicted to the drug in a place like Maha Chai.

There is a moment when you realise you’re falling in love with someone who you know feels the same way. It has nothing to do with excitement, but more a sublime feeling of relief and deep satisfaction. Heroin is like that, only to a far greater, more noticeable physical degree. Everything seems, at worst, tolerable and fine. At best, the world is wonderful. Generally speaking, the more wretched you are feeling in a sober state, the more dazzling you’ll feel when the torment is washed away by heroin. There is no feeling that your mind has been altered, as with marijuana, or acid. The alteration is purely emotional – a certain feeling of synthetic happiness, combined with a sense that your load has been miraculously lifted. And the heavier the load, the greater the feeling of elevation. In a place like Maha Chai – or any prison, for that matter – heroin is undeniably the perfect solution.

Naturally, coming down from this feeling is an uncomfortable realisation and you find yourself doing anything to get back to the emotional state you feel you should be in all the time. And that’s the catch with this drug. While you still have the memory of the joy you have experienced your restive state of mind will be plunged even further into the pit.

I think the authorities who try to teach children why they should avoid drugs take the wrong route by neglecting to mention that heroin itself does have a pleasant effect. All they ever tell kids is that if you use this drug you will wind up in a pool of vomit in the gutter, covered in sores and feeling like wreckage. So, when teenagers try the drug for the first time – an occurrence which is not inevitable, but more than possible these days – and they find themselves feeling indescribably terrific, with no pile of vomit or sores or feelings of hopelessness to be found they make the obvious assumption that the authorities who warned them of such things, and neglected to mention the very real euphoria, were lying or just plain ignorant. I believe that if this surprise element was taken out of the equation there would be fewer accidental addicts.’

That feeling of ‘everything seems, at worst, tolerable and fine. At best, the world is wonderful’ – is exactly what spiritual development does for you. WITHOUT SYNTHETIC AIDS it will not be ‘a certain feeling of synthetic happiness’ – and your load WILL be lifted. That feeling of joy that heroin takes you to is our NATURAL state when we seek it in a balanced state of mind. We are ALL seeking happiness – spiritual happiness, but we can get distracted on the way.


To take drugs of any kind weakens the body cells and lowers the vibrations. There are many effects as a result of this.Liken the body to a radio receiver and transmitter both. The input regulates the output and so when the body is fed drugs that affect the brain cells the output is foul language, foul moods – foul waste. 

The body is both electrical and magnetic, it is not just the physical body – that is just the core, the densest part of a much more complex unit which is surrounded by invisible bodies: the whole enveloped in an invisible magnetic field. 

As the vibrations of this complete unit decrease, the body cells tune into a different wave band from that of the normal healthy body. The mind hears this ‘new station’ and becomes confused with the multiple voices and electrical static. What is actually taking place is the human beginning to hear a part of itself that it is usually protected from; its own Astral body, filled with its own thought-forms. 

There is a function of the human body where the ears cannot normally detect the flow of blood in the head and neck arteries – to constantly hear that would cause distraction to the point of madness. This same ‘tuning out’ occurs to protect one from one’s own thought-forms,  which are very real and solid if you take on the same rate of vibration. The voices are one of the mind-bending effects of drugs – the only way to tune them out again is to raise the vibrations of the body unit, and this can be done with the use of the white Light projection and protection. 

The initial attraction to drug taking is that it produces a temporary ‘high’ – feelings of euphoria, of being invincible, of becoming wise and all-knowing. A sense of ‘forthcoming attractions’ as it were. But unfortunately, the attainment of these things cannot be hastened or created artificially, and the very brain cells that are needed for positive self-development are destroyed by narcotics. They have the reverse effect to true spiritual development which can only come about through slow steady growth, and a cleansing of the human unit – not a debasement of it. 

However, that is man’s choice – he finds out through trial and error what is good for his growth and what is not. All the lessons learned along the way are invaluable – both for the one who experiments thus, and for the people around them who have to deal with this. You come here to EXPERIENCE, My child, never label ‘right’ or ‘wrong’.

Published By Jackie & Jim http://gardenof-eden.com