The Art Gallery

The Art Gallery

The Art Gallery 800 600 A Divine Universe

Imagine yourself to be in an art gallery. The floors are tiled in marble—–, the ceilings are high—huge skylights let in lots of light.

There is no-one else in the gallery except yourself, and you are free to wander and study each picture. The first one features a child, happy and glowing, sitting by the mother and gazing up into her face while she looks lovingly back. The child is about four years of age. Now put YOURSELF in that picture, can you remember that same love between your mother and yourself?————————————– 

Now find yourself moving to the next picture. This one shows a child and father – fishing on the beach. The sea is calm, the sky is blue, the sun is shining, and there are just a few people around. You can see by the way they are sitting that they are very close. Now put yourself in that picture and see yourself enjoying a time like that with your father sometime in your childhood—————————————- 

Now we come to the next picture, and here we have a young man with his first girlfriend. They are pictured walking along hand in hand down a city street, all is hustle and bustle around them, but they only have eyes for each other. Again put yourself in this picture, and recapture that feeling of warmth and love, when everything that the other person did filled you with joy, and there were no feelings of criticism and annoyance.—————— 

The next picture is an abstract. I want you to stand in front of this picture and really study what you see. The colours are murky and dark – dull greys and reds, black and green – the colours streaking together with no special design, but the painting will represent something to you. What event in your life does it conjure up?———————————– 

The last painting is a colourful Christmas scene in a living-room. There are decorations hanging from the ceiling, a tree in the corner covered in ornaments and tinsel, with lots of presents underneath the branches. Two adults are putting the finishing touches to this scene on Christmas Eve, ready for the children in the morning. Now put yourself into that picture as one of the adults, and bring to mind a Christmas where this same thing happened to you———————————- 

Each of these events have been significant for you in your life, for various reasons. The emotions they provoke are stored within you, and it is time to clear any negative ones that you are harbouring—————— 

Move along now to a blank canvas. The paints and brushes are there, and I would like you to put upon the canvas something that brings up a painful memory – paint the person who caused that pain for you————————————————- 

When the picture is complete stand back and study the person – every little detail, then choose to paint over the picture with a clear, bright pink. Although this person caused you pain, I want you , with each stroke of the brush, as you cover every inch of that canvas with pink paint, to mentally say, “I forgive you, I let go, I forgive you, I let go.”————- 

Pink is the colour of love and forgiveness, and love is far stronger than pain and fear. 

Now you see a plain pink canvas in front of you – all negative emotions have been eradicated. 

Now it is time to leave your art gallery – so when you are ready return to the room. 

Published By Jackie & Jim