Meditation is Medicine for Your Life

Meditation is Medicine for Your Life

Meditation is Medicine for Your Life 800 600 A Divine Universe

Meditation is simply the act of quietening the mind by focusing on one thing. The breath, healing a certain area or ailment, reprogramming the mind or heart, peace, compassion, etc. It is not trying to think about nothing at all, that is physically impossible for the human to do and what lots of people falsely believe meditation to be.

So what is a good meditator? The one who meditates. – Allan Lokos

As our lives have become so much busier, full of trauma, drama and illness we find ourselves drifting away from our natural states of being. This natural state of being,  ‘peace, love, joy, health and happiness’ is becoming foreign to us. We no longer take time to be in our natural surroundings as we once used to, living in this environment was a day to day natural lifestyle before the busy life began.

If you have time to breathe you have time to meditate. You breathe when you walk. You breathe when you stand. You breathe when you lie down. – Ajahn Amaro

You can have your health, life and happiness back by making a few consistent changes to your day. Meditation does not have to be done for an hour everyday to achieve peace. You don’t have to go sit up on a hill, on a rock in a cave for 8 years to find enlightenment (what Buddha did), nor make your meditation perfect before reaping the benefits.

Meditation has benefits from 30 second breathing techniques, 5 minute healings to 20 minute reprogramming sessions. You can do meditation on the move, while walking, jogging or playing in nature. Remaining present in the now is also a form of meditation. Sometimes driving our car or doing the washing up you go into a trace or on automatic pilot, this is also a form of meditation. You can adapt any of these to your daily routine and create massive changes to every aspect of your life. It is the secret of the successful.

Some benefits of practicing Meditation:

Reduces Stress
Improves Concentration
Increases Self-awareness
Improves Cardiovascular
Enhances Immune Health
Promotes Mental and Emotional Health
Controls Physical Pains
Slows Aging
Increases Acceptance
Reduces Anger
Lengthens Attention Span
Help Fight Addictions
Improves Sleep
Decreases Blood Pressure
Stimulates Digestion
Rewires Your Brain
Increases Happiness and Wellbeing
Better Relationships
Helps Decision Making
Builds Your Intuition
Manifesting Tool
Decreases Inflammation
Increases Grey Matter in the Brain
Improves Ability to Multi Task
Makes You Wiser
Become more Empathetic and Compassionate

You should not be carried away by the dictation of the mind, but the mind should be carried by your dictation. – A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami

If you feel you would like some guidance in this area and learn some simple however affective techniques please don’t hesitate to ask. I am more than happy to help you make these amazing changes to your life.