I Think Recovery From Anything Is Completely Badass

I Think Recovery From Anything Is Completely Badass

I Think Recovery From Anything Is Completely Badass 800 600 A Divine Universe

Recovering from anything is completely badass in my books. There is nothing in this world harder than correcting bad behaviour, illness or disease, recovery from trauma, pains or injuries, recovery from drama and toxic relationships, recovery from financial or family devastations, recovery from mental illness or violence, recovery from poisonous food or thinking…

The strength and courage that comes from kicking anything negative in the teeth is priceless. These times teach us so many things on so many levels most don’t even comprehend the true power they have given themselves. To stay honourable and true to your path to achieve freedom or relief in your life and body is truly remarkable. I admire these people immensely as I too have endured some of these paths and truly understand the magnitude of energy it takes to follow through.

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily.” – Zig Ziglar

Due to my own experiences, I am so driven and passionate about supporting and guiding you to recovery. I understand, I’ve been there. If you seek help, support, tools, education and or accountability I offer different services that will keep you on track to break through to your life and health freedom. You deserve it. You are worth it and worthy of greater things.

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” – Robert Collier