The Fountain

The Fountain

The Fountain 800 600 A Divine Universe

I want you to create a fountain – this is a very special fountain, because instead of water, the emissions from the jets are streams of white Light.

Imagine creating the architecture of the fountain, design it in the forms that are the most pleasing to you. It can be as elaborate or as simple as you like————————— 

Now that you have your fountain I want you to wade into the water and under the jets—now stand there and ask for a special quality that you need from the White Light that cascades down all over and around you. It might be healing –or happiness—-some spiritual awareness—or forgiveness to someone you have found difficult to send this emotion to. Whatever quality you feel is lacking in your life——————– 

Now I leave you to absorb this quality from your fountain, really enjoy it—let it permeate your heart and soul——-let your entire body benefit from this special shower (Leave 15 minutes)

Now it is time to come out of the fountain——- Feel how refreshed and renewed you are, how your body and mind feels renewed and revived. 

Pat yourself dry and know that these qualities will stay with you now, and you will never lose them. 

Published by Jackie & Jim